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  • ferdinan

    China Warns Russia That “State Of War” Now Exists With United States


    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) is reporting today the Federation has been informed by the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) that a de facto “State of War” now officially exists between that Asian nation and the United States of America.

    According to this report, following the “provisions and protocols” of the 8 May 2015 Russian-Chinese Cyber-Security Agreement that states a signatory to this pact that anticipates the outbreak of hostilities is obligated to immediately inform the other so that “war preparations” needed to protect critical infrastructure can be undertaken, the PRC has informed the Federation that these “conditions now exist”.As to the wisdom of the Obama regime attacking the PRC’s financial markets in retaliation for their alleged hacking of US government servers, this report continues, it appears to be both “juvenile” and “ill timed” as China, with its holding of over nearly $4 trillion in foreign reserves, compared with the United States $121 billion…and with China’s citizens having a staggering $21 trillion saved compared to their American counterparts who have only $614 billion…is more than prepared to retaliate.

    And making this situation even more fraught with danger, MoFA experts in this report warn, in a further response to the Obama regimes attacking them, two senior Chinese military leaders yesterday called on the People’s Liberation Army to beef up its naval capacity and combat readiness amid a higher risk of “warfare on the doorstep”.

    In a 5,000-word article published yesterday in People’s Daily, the Communist Party’s flagship newspaper, General Cai Yingting, commander of the PLA Nanjing military area command, and his political commissar General Zheng Weiping, warned that the PLA should learn lessons from the war with Japan that ended 70 years ago.

    Also important to note, this report continues, China has just overtaken the United States as the world’s largest economy, and as, perhaps, best written about by the Vanity Fair News Service who recently wrote:

    “When the history of 2014 is written, it will take note of a large fact that has received little attention: 2014 was the last year in which the United States could claim to be the world’s largest economic power. China enters 2015 in the top position, where it will likely remain for a very long time, if not forever. In doing so, it returns to the position it held through most of human history.”

    And as to who would win a war between the PRC and the US, this report concludes, the Market Watch News Service in their article yesterday titled “4th of July Fireworks: World War III with China Dead Ahead” summed it up best by writing:

    “When Rand released a report in 2000 describing the potential outcome of a Sino-American conflict over Taiwan, the United States won the war handily. Nine years later, the nonpartisan think tank revised its analysis, accounting for Beijing’s updated air force, its focus on cyber warfare and its ability to use ballistic missiles to take out American satellites.

    Rand’s 2009 conclusion: “The United States would ultimately lose an air war, and an overall conflict would be more difficult and costly than many had imagined.”

    9 years agoin Health & Safety-All
    Answers(5) Comments(0)
  • wella
    If it ever comes to a "straw breaking the camels back" point, the USA has a distinctive advantage as it would probably go nuclear rather hastily. Simply put, the mainland USA (aka the lower 48) has buffer areas to protect itself. Alliances with Japan, S. Korea and the Phillipines would put these nations on the "front line", bearing some to all of the brunt of any offensive/ counter offensive China wishes to pursue, be it conventional or unconventional warfare.
    9 years ago
  • honey

    Reality check. War between China and America will not happen. China and America both have nuclear weapons. Conventional war won't happen for fear of nuclear war. War between two major nations becomes unthinkable, impossible.

    The article posted by the two Chinese generals is merely sabre rattling nonsense coming from Beijing. It isn't their opinion - it's what they've been told to say. Beijing wants America to keep it's sticky beak out of China's business. China's business being the fact that it wants to bully its neighbours out of contentious pieces of real estate. It's sabre rattling and not particularly convincing sabre rattling. They also chucked in a bit of fear mongering for good measure - mentioning China's lack of preparedness for war when Japan invaded.

    expatlife26 is right. The EU Times isn't worth the paper it's not written on. icnif needs to be wary of becoming the archetypal conspiracy theorist. The usual conspiracy theorist is someone who has little control over his own life and is envious of those people in this world who do have a sense of direction of where their life is going. Global conspiracies serve the purpose of making everyone seem like directionless, meaningless pawns in a rigged game and thus making the conspiracy theorist feel better about his lack of purpose.

    9 years ago
  • chela

    The Classic IQ Quiz is a fun and stimulating IQ Test. Answer these multiple-choice questions to the best of your ability. Press the "Continue" button to advance to the next page.

    1. Cat is to Dog as Peach is to _______.


    9 years ago
  • sargsyan
    i love this crap, please start the war tomorrow, talk is cheap, lets do some killing now, actually a mutual destruction of china and america and leaving russia to run the world is fine be me, no problem, when do we get started, soon i hope.
    9 years ago
  • takolus

    Why in the world would you want to bring in this stupid article? Firstly, China's regime would quickly back out of any situation that would likely cause them to lose face or look weak. That means heavy on the saber rattling, not so much on the saber swinging. China would never intentionally get into a shooting war with America. Don't you know China? They only fight when they have 3 or more friends. China has no friends.

    Seriously speaking. A war would hurt the CCP whatever way you slice the pie. When they lose and cause national shame, they will also lose power. When the economy crashes because of war, they will lose power. Even if they somehow win or fight to a stalemate, the resulting economy crash would put China back into the Dark Ages.

    The only way war will break out is by mistake, and that, actually, is not anunlikely scenario. Things are getting mighty hot in the S.China Sea. Like I predicted here a few months ago, the Chinese govt. has painted themselves into a pretty little corner.

    9 years ago

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